I happen to think that the keys of the social sector’s revitalization, renewal, reinvention--whatever term suits your fancy, are already in our hands. It isn’t easy, for sure, but the type of ingenuity and entrepreneurship required is already in our genes, ready to be awakened. “Furthermore,” writes the late Joseph Campbell, “we have not even to risk the adventure alone….The labyrinth is thoroughly known.” And the reason the labyrinth is known is because of social entrepreneurs like Cindy Adams, the founder and CEO of Grantstation. Cindy is among countless social innovators who, despite whatever the constraints, are chasing down the seemingly impossible dream. Below is the first segment of my discussion with Cindy, where she affirms that any of us, all of us, have what it takes to do big things.
Note: this is a continuation of a series of writings and interviews with social innovators who, despite whatever constraints, are chasing down the seemingly impossible dream. Listen to my interview with Aspire Chicago President and CEO Jim Kales here.